Publication date : 2024 /02 /19 View :
On the afternoon of March 13th 2024, General Manager Cai Jianxin held a tripartite friendly cooperation meeting in the Marubeni Chemix conference room with Marubeni Chemix's Organic Chemicals Division Deputy Head, Seiichiro Yagi, and Mr. Hiroshi Miyamoto from Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co., Ltd., Functional Materials Division. The cooperation focused on promoting and selling Sumitomo Seika Chemicals' high-quality Thioanisole (abbreviated as TA) in the Chinese market. Shanghai Jiexiao, acting as an agent, will handle the inventory sales of TA in the Chinese market. Thioanisole is primarily used in the production of photoinitiators and is widely used in electronic products.
左为丸红Chemix Seiichiro Yagi ,右为住友精化Mr. Hiroshi Miyamoto